Preparation of Biennial Update Report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Lesotho

Home PortfolioPreparation of Biennial Update Report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Lesotho

Consultancy Services Related to Geothermal Strategy and Plan in Ethiopia.

  • Date: Oct ’22 – Oct ’23
  • Location: Ethiopia
  • Client: Ethiopian Electric
  • Power (EEP)
  • Position: Co-leader Company
AESG, as a co-leader company, is providing consultancy services to develop a geothermal strategy and plan for EEP over a six-year period. The goal is to explore and establish the geothermal resource potential at identified sites for power generation and direct uses. The plan aims to reduce development risks, increase private sector interest, and facilitate electricity generation and thermal energy availability. Funding initially comes from the Government of Ethiopia and donor organizations.