Climate Action Roadmap for Liberia

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Climate Action Roadmap for Liberia

  • Duration:March – August 2020
  • Location:Monrovia, Liberia
  • Client:Typsa/Agrer (EUC support)
  • Position:Co. Consultant 

AESG collaborated with Typsa/Agrer to develop a roadmap for Liberia’s climate action, focusing on energy, waste, and transport sectors. The aim was to enhance climate resilience and promote sustainable development.

Key Objectives included, develop a roadmap for sectoral action plans, including mitigation measures and NDC implementation, mainstream climate change into national strategies and policies, and Increase climate change knowledge through training and capacity building initiatives.

Achievements of the project include, analyzed current mitigation activities and assessed their effectiveness, institutionalized the NDC mitigation roadmap through official procedures, integrated climate change into sectoral strategies and policies and conducted training programs to enhance climate change knowledge.