Mr Kouzou Abdallah
IEEE Senior member & IACSIT Senior member, IFAC, IAENG & IISRO member, IEEE-HKN Alumni Member
Mr Kouzou Abdallah
was born in Djelfa, Algeria in 1964. He is actually a Full Professor at the University of Djelfa, Algeria. He was the president of the Scientific Council of the faculty of Sciences and Technology from 2014 to 2015 and the Dean of the same faculty from 2015 to 2017. He has participated in several research projects and has led several research projects. He was a researcher with Technische Universität Muenchen (TUM) in Germany form 2010 to 2012. He was a collaborator researcher at Texas A&M University at Qatar, a collaborator researcher with Qatar University where he participated in some projects. He is a member of the smart grid center (SGC) at Texas A&M University at Qatar. He has participated in many collaborations with other universities such as in Spain, Poland, Bulgaria and Turkey.
He is a visiting and adjunct professor at some universities such as in Poland and Turkey. He was the founder of the Power Electronics and Power Quality research group at the Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Djelfa in Algeria. He is the supervisor of many PhD Students and Master Students in Algeria. He is a member of many editorial boards for several scientific journals and a member of the scientific and steering committees in several national and international conferences. He is the chair of several international conferences. He is Guest editor with many reputed journals. He is the Chair of the Algerian IEEE Section Power Electronics Chapter.
He is the chair of the sub-committee on FACTs and HVDC under the international committee PETC/IEEE-IES. He is currently the IEEE Algeria Section Chair and the IEEE Africa Council Chair-Elect. He was also a member of Conference Coordination Committee (CoCC) at IEEE Region 8. He is a AdHoc member of the Climate Change Committee with IEEE R8, He is member of the Technical Committee on Railway Electrification at IEEE Transportation Electrification Council.
He was a plenary and an invited keynote speaker and session chair in several national and international conferences and experts in several national and international scientific activities and project evaluations. He is an expert with the ministry of high education and scientific research in Algeria on Socio-economic projects.
He was also a visiting professor at several international universities. He participated in many international PHD dissertation committees. He was the leader of several research project in Algeria. He is actually participating in a joint project with the main company of petrol and gas in Algeria, where he is leading research group on diagnosis and control of gas turbine used in power generation system and compression stations.
He is currently the Chair of the project on decarbonisation of Transport in Africa. He external expert in a project at Hail University in KSA. He has published more than 500 papers, his main research interests include Active Power Filtering techniques, Power Quality issues, Power Electronics Devices, Application of Power electronics in Renewable Energies, Materials for multi-layers coating in PV cells. Multi-phase machines, Sensorless control, Electrical vehicles and unmanned vehicles, Application of meta-heuristics optimization algorithms, Smart Grid and Smart Buildings, reliability and diagnostics in power electronics converters and in other industrial applications, Non Destructive Testing and Measurement Techniques, Diagnosis and control of Gas Turbine of high power.
He is the chair of the sub-committee on FACTs and HVDC under the international committee PETC/IEEE-IES. He is currently the IEEE Algeria Section Chair and the IEEE Africa Council Chair-Elect. He was also a member of Conference Coordination Committee (CoCC) at IEEE Region 8. He is a AdHoc member of the Climate Change Committee with IEEE R8, He is member of the Technical Committee on Railway Electrification at IEEE Transportation Electrification Council.
He was a plenary and an invited keynote speaker and session chair in several national and international conferences and experts in several national and international scientific activities and project evaluations. He is an expert with the ministry of high education and scientific research in Algeria on Socio-economic projects.
He was also a visiting professor at several international universities. He participated in many international PHD dissertation committees. He was the leader of several research project in Algeria. He is actually participating in a joint project with the main company of petrol and gas in Algeria, where he is leading research group on diagnosis and control of gas turbine used in power generation system and compression stations.
He is currently the Chair of the project on decarbonisation of Transport in Africa. He external expert in a project at Hail University in KSA. He has published more than 500 papers, his main research interests include Active Power Filtering techniques, Power Quality issues, Power Electronics Devices, Application of Power electronics in Renewable Energies, Materials for multi-layers coating in PV cells. Multi-phase machines, Sensorless control, Electrical vehicles and unmanned vehicles, Application of meta-heuristics optimization algorithms, Smart Grid and Smart Buildings, reliability and diagnostics in power electronics converters and in other industrial applications, Non Destructive Testing and Measurement Techniques, Diagnosis and control of Gas Turbine of high power.